The problem is due to the Zip
ActiveX component not being able to
install. Copy the 3 files
dzactx.dll, duzactx.dll,
dzstactx.dll into the
[c:\windows\system32 folder if a
32bit computer] or
[c:\windows\sysWOW64 folder if a 64
bit computer].
The next step to fix it is to run
the CMD.exe as Administrator.
Start> Computer> Local Disk (c:)>
Windows> System32 or sysWOW64>
Scroll down to CMD.exe, right click
and 'Run as Administrator'
Then you can just regsvr32 xxxxx.dll
to change directory use the
following format:
to go back a folder - CD..
to navigate forward - cd
Posted: 2010-08-10 07:33
by Mark
Replies: 1
Last: 2010-08-10 07:33